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Helping Answer Photographers Questions
How do I Price and Sell my Photographs?
How can a hobbyist photographer price and sell their photographs?
Camera Lens Filters Explained
Lens filters fit on the end of a lens by either dropping into a framework that mounts on the lens, or by screwing directly to the lens. You can pay as little as $20 or over a thousand dollars. It depends on the quality of the product and in some cases the brand name.
Can you make money as a Travel Photographer?
The answer is, in a pandemic-free world, yes you can.
The thought of traveling the world making money from photography is very appealing. You really need to know what sells, who to sell to, and how to plan it all out.
Two Easy Ways to Get Professional Results
This week I’m going to cover two ways to get professional results. These are two techniques that will help you take better photos, and put an end to all the second-guessing you do during a shoot.
How do you shoot a silhouette
The simple answer is to shoot your subject directly in front of the light source.
What is the one thing that will improve your photography?
Every day I have to come up with an idea and capture it. I don’t shoot seven photos on Sunday and then I’m good for the week. My rules are a new photo every single day for 2022, shoot RAW files in Manual Mode, a maximum of 20 minutes to take the photo, and 20 minutes to edit it.
10 Things Photographers Should Avoid Doing
These are 10 things you want to avoid doing as a photographer.
Is editing your images cheating?
If you are a member of any online forums or Facebook groups, I’m pretty sure you have heard someone say, “I like to get my settings exactly right so I don’t have to edit”. Well, I say good for them, if they are satisfied with their results then that is great. But for the other 99.99% of us, that isn’t the story.
What settings do I need to capture fast-moving subjects?
These are the settings I use for sports and action shots. It’s very simple to set your camera up to capture fast-moving subjects, so give it a go.
Why do I need a Histogram?
A histogram is a graph that shows the brightness of the pixels in your image. The horizontal axis of the histogram goes from pure black on the left side, to the brightest white on the right. The vertical axis shows how many pixels are in that tone.
How do I create a blurred background?
The easiest way to get bokeh in an image is to use a low f/ number. An aperture of f/2.8 will easily give you a bokeh. If you have a 50mm f/1.8 lens and set the aperture to f/1.8 you will have no problem getting a bokeh.
How can I be more creative?
Being creative involves using your imagination and creating original ideas. But that’s easier said than done. Creativity wasn’t given out to everyone in equal measures.
I’ve got my 1st camera, now what?
OK, so you have just got a new camera, and you are wondering what all the weird dials and settings do. Well, it’s easier than you think.
How to make your own Presets and Actions
If you use Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop, you have the option of using presets (LR) and actions (PS). If you use them properly they can save you lots of time editing.
10 Things all photographers need
These are the 10 things I think every photographer needs to own and use.
Which Business? – Pet Photography
Photographing pets in my opinion is best done where the animal can really express themselves. I’ve done many dog portraits in a studio setting and they are not relaxed.
Which Business? – Family Portraits
Family portraits are probably going to be your first step on the photography ladder.
Which Business? – Branding
I want you to do a Google search for a Brand Photographer in your area. You’ll see how few there are.
Which Business? – Real Estate Photography
Interested in starting a Real Estate Photography business? I take you through the pros and cons of shooting property, and how to get clients.
Which Business? – Sports Photography
I discuss the ins and outs of starting a sports photography business. Shooting sports can be lucrative if done right.
Which Business? – Weddings
This week’s post is about the business of Wedding Photography. It takes a special type of photographer to shoot weddings for a living.
Which Business? – Headshots
Which photography business should you choose? I give you the rundown on Headshot photography. A good headshot is a great business tool.
Common Mistakes
Another 5 common mistakes photographers make. I explain why to avoid these mistakes and why it will make you a better photographer.
Why you should take control and not shoot in AUTO
If you want to charge money for your photography you must stop shooting in AUTO modes. Take control of your camera and develop a style of your own.
Do I need to worry about privacy?
As a professional photographer, you need to be aware of the privacy, intellectual property, and copyright laws in your country.
How do you find your locations?
Having good shooting locations is very important for a wedding or portrait photographer. I’ll show you how to find them and what’s important.
What are the best settings for portraits?
There isn’t one setting for any type of photography. I’ll take you through setting up your camera for a portrait shoot.
Can I use the 18-55mm lens in manual mode?
Is it possible to use your 18-55mm kit lens in manual mode? Yes, it is and I’ll show you how. Just stick to the step-by-step framework.
Is this a focusing problem? and blurry landscapes
It’s a two-question week! Is this a focusing problem? and Why are my landscapes blurry?
How do I shoot products?
How to take photos of products for Amazon, eBay, Etsy, or for commercial clients.
On or Off Camera Flash?
I give you a quick rundown of the differences and when you would use On or Off-camera flash. Plus what you need to get started shooting with flash.
What is Bulb?
The bulb setting is a shooting mode that dates back over one hundred years old. Find out who uses it and what it is used for in modern photography.
Live View or Viewfinder?
Which is best, Live View or Viewfinder? I take you through the pros and cons and try to help you know which one is best for you.
Preparing your images for printing
I take you step-by-step to help you prepare your images for printing. You’ll be up and running in no time.
Can you get started in Photography for under $500?
Is it possible to only spend $500 and be able to start a Photography business? Yes, it is possible and I’ll show you how.
Aperture Priority Mode
If you find Manual Mode a little frustrating, give Aperture Priority Mode a try. It works great in a fast moving situation.
Figuring out how to build a photography price list isn’t easy. I take you step-by-step on how to price your work so you don’t have to sell.
Different Types of Photography
Don’t know what type of photographer you want to be? I’ve come up with 46 different avenues of photography for you to choose from.
How to Stand Out from the Competition
If you offer the same as every other photographer why would anyone choose you?
Fixed vs Variable Aperture Lenses
Lenses are generally divided into amateur (variable) and professional (fixed), but it’s not that simple.